Required in NRDS for KS Reporting
Q1 - Q4: Numbers Served (Event Log Entries)
Q1 - Q4: 3 Images with a Title and Description
Q1 - Q4: Complete "KS FY23 O&M Final"
In this article you'll learn to:
O&M Reporting: Q1 - Q4 Overview
IMPORTANT: Complete the "KS FY23 O&M Final" survey in its entirety BEFORE tagging it "OK send to KS FY 22-23 (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4)."
You can complete the survey in stages.
The first five (5) items are REQUIRED to SAVE the entry.
Once saved, you or your team can continue editing the entry until it is complete and ready to be sent to KS.
You will be sending KS ONLY ONE (1) completed report.
Please continue editing the survey until it is complete.
Avoid creating multiple surveys with incomplete responses.
Program Outcome 1: Reporting Sections
Answering "YES" to any of Program Outcome 1's first five questions opens additional sections with follow-up questions. Please answer all section-specific questions.
"How many hours did your organization spend on [category] work this quarter?" is the last question in each section. In each of the five categories, please include staff hours worked in addition to programming hours.
Upload Documents
UPLOAD MIN3, Title VI, and Dollars Leveraged each quarter (Q1 - Q4) into their designated upload space.
KS requires three photos with titles and descriptions per quarter.
Photos may be chosen from the photo gallery or uploaded directly into the report.
Photos are populated in the photo gallery from all completed surveys.
CHOOSE from your photo gallery. Images are populated from other surveys where you've uploaded photos.
CLICK on the photo gallery icon in the photo upload section.
CHOOSE at least three (3) images from your gallery by clicking on the box next to the image on the far right.
CLOSE the photo gallery window and you'll see the chosen images have been added to your report.
KS REQUIREMENT: Make sure you have a title and description for each image.
UPLOAD images straight into the report.
CLICK on the photo upload box or DRAG & DROP images from your computer into the photo upload box.
ADD a title and description to each image.
Copy a Previous Report
If you want to copy a previous report and reuse it you can
Scroll to the bottom of the survey
Click copy
The top line of your new survey will say "Copy 1"
All data except photos and attachments should be saved
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