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Add Fields From KMZ to NRDS

How to import your fields from KMZ

Sam avatar
Written by Sam
Updated over 5 months ago

Here is how to import fields from KMZ. If the data is converted to shapefiles you can bulk import directly into the blocks. This is the work around for KMZ

Add the KMZ to "polygons" using the import tool

this saves the geometry into the system

  1. Select "Polygon" from the feature selection

  2. Drag and drop or select the kmz to load it up

  3. You will see it on the map

  4. Click Save

  5. Now the polygon is in the system

Create blocks from your loaded up polygons

  1. Navigate to the blocks survey

  2. Click Add Blocks

  3. Enter the block name

  4. To import the geometry scroll to the bottom - Geometry

  5. Click copy from polygon

  6. Select your polygon from the list

  7. You will now see the polygon drawn on the map

  8. Save

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