Get the app and login
Site Log Entry
1) Fetch data
Click "Fetch from web app" to get past data, polygons, populate drop downs etc., data does not automatically get fetched from the server to your mobile device
Be sure to select Polygons and Kilo Surveys or All
2) Go offline
This is optional if you are without internet or want to collect data offline
Data will be stored locally (on your device) until you push to web app
Data that is locally saved and not pushed to the server will appear as red
3) Select or add a polygon
Site logs are attached to polygons. You can complete multiple logs for the same polygon.
Select an existing polygon or add a new polygon using track, trace, or tap action
The polygon you select will turn blue
Click Survey then Site Log to start a new entry
3) Fill in the Site Log survey
Fill in the form
Click "Nothing found" if there is nothing
Use the +/- to add items
Add pictures - you can take photos or select from device
Click Save
To make edits click Surveys tab -> Site Log -> click on entry -> click 3 blue dots -> Edit
4) Go online
Back online or in the office and have records to push?
If you were in a connected environment you do not need to do this
Switch offline mode to off
Click "Push now"
This will push all the data you collected while offline to the server
Now you can check out your data on all platforms!
Things to consider:
1) Update dropdowns
You will want to populate these lists on the web
Event Types