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All CollectionsNRDS Mobile Mapping App
GPS Mapping with the NRDS Mobile
GPS Mapping with the NRDS Mobile

Map stuff by collecting points, lines, polygons and photo points on or offline

Sam avatar
Written by Sam
Updated over a year ago

We designed this FREE mapping app to be simple and intuitive. It works when completely offline. All you need is a clear view of the sky to get GPS signal. And a mobile device too. Unless you are a robot and have GPS sensors in your head.  

You can export your date to KML or shapefiles and use them with google earth, QGIS, or ESRI.  

If you have a login for our platform you can sync data in and out.  More features are on the way.... Like custom base maps data collection and upload from shapefile or kml.

If there is a bug or issue or suggestion please let us know we love suggestions.
Sam -

The app is available FREE here



Here is a short video detailing the app features

Want to know more ?  Read on....

What do the buttons do?

read on and you will find out.....

Click this to Zoom to your location (bottom left)

The button on the bottom left will center the map on your current location. If the map goes astray click it

Map a Polygon (Area)

A polygon is a feature with area. It is enclosed. Like a house or a field.

You can collect a polygon by tracking - walking around and area 

or by drawing.

To start mapping click the polygon icon 

bottom of the app second from the left

When the button turns blue is it is recording. Like a VCR remember those? 

You can draw using your finger  or use the device's GPS to track your current location

To draw you click on each corner of the polygon. 

Don't try and drag and draw it just moves the screen

To track

Most devices have GPS so you don't need wifi it works offline

It you are tracking make sure the blue dot is in your current location. 

Sometimes it takes a bit to start. Especially if you just took the phone from your pocket. Or you are in a hole.

Walk or drive around your area - be careful of overlapping corners.

To stop recording the polygon,

 click the blue polygon icon again so it is not blue

A recorded polygon is red or purple

If it turns purple it has been synced to your account (if you have one and are logged in... more on that later)

Want to get area of your polygon?

Click on the feature and a detail window will pop up with the area

What if you don't like acres and you want it in metric or vice versa

Click on the menu button on the left and change the units from metric to imperial

Want to edit the name of your feature? 

Click on the feature then 

Click  details and you can edit the name and description

Don't forget to save

What if you made a mistake and  want to delete the polygon?

click details then delete.

What if you only drew or tracked part of it and and want to continue ? Kind of like pause on the VCR recording? 

Click on the feature and choose continue. That will allow you to continue recording the feature from where you left off.

Watch this it goes through the whole work flow.... Over and over and over again

Map a Line (point to point to point to point)

A line is a feature with distance or length but not area. It is not enclosed. Like a road or a section of fence.

You can collect a line by tracking - walking from one place to another. 

Or drawing.

The work flow is exactly the same as polygons so just scroll up and read the top or continue here...

To start click the line icon it is in the bottom center.

Select track or draw to proceed.

The icon will turn blue while you are drawing or tracking.

If you are tracking take a walk.. 

Look where you are going not at your phone....

Most devices have GPS so you don't need wifi

It you are tracking make sure the blue dot is in your current location. 

Sometimes it takes a bit to start. Especially if you just took the phone from your pocket. Or you are in a hole.

To draw tap your finger on each corner or vertex.
Don't try and drag and draw it just moves the screen

When you are finished tap the line icon again it will change back to grey. You should see your line on the map.  It should be red or orange if you have an account and are logged in online....

Click on the line to get its length

Click on the feature then details to 

A window will pop up with the name, gps date and description. 

Edit the name of your line

Save your edits

To continue drawing on a line - like it was paused or something. Click on the line then click continue


click on the feature then details then delete 

Watch this to see the line work flow over and over and over again.....

Map a Point (location in time and space)

A point is a feature with that is characterized by latitude and longitude or x and y. It is a location in time and space. You are here now...

You can collect a point at your current location by clicking the point button 

You can add a point with a photo by clicking this button

Make sure to look at the map and make sure the blue dot is accurate.  If you just took your phone out of yiour pocket sometimes it take a bit of time to get a good signal.

On the map points with photos are squares points without are round

You can drag and move a point to a new location

click on it to select then  hold and drag it to where you want it sometimes it is a bit sticky

To edit the name and description

click the point then click details 

A window will pop up with the name, gps date and description. You can click on the section to edit.

Save your edits

In the details window

You can view the photo

Delete the point

Add a new photo...

Export your features

go the the menu

select export 

Select KML or shape file and send it to yourself

A KML will open with google earth which is free

A shape file will open with ArcGIS or QGIS (free)

Search for your features 

Click the search bar and type the name of your feature

or click and hold on the search 

and list of all your features will pop up.

click on the name of the feature to view details or click the 

To zoom to it

You can also access the list of features  through the 

menu and features

If you have a log in and want to sync/ fetch from your account check out this article

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